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System Administration Utilities

  • Component Services - A centralized console (MMC) snap-in that is used to configure and manage COM+ applications, components, etc
  • Computer Management - A centralized console that is used to manage your local or remote system. It gives you access to other administrative features such as task scheduler, disk management, services, applications, etc
  • Defrag and Optimize Drives - This tool allows you to optimize your Hard Disk Drives by defragmenting them
  • Disk Cleanup - Allows you to free up space on your local drives
  • Event Viewer - Enables you to observe system occurrences. Windows keeps a set of logs, and you can use the event viewer to access these logs and troubleshoot errors
  • iSCSI Initiator - Allows you to configure and manage communications between iSCSI storage devices. Administrators typically use this tool for Microsoft Windows Server, as iSCSI storage devices are commonly used in enterprise environments.
  • Local Security Policy - Allows you to administer your local system’s security settings and policies. You can manage policies such as software restrictions, application control, password length, account lockout, etc
  • ODBC Data Sources (32 bit) - Allows you to manage 32 bit data sources
  • ODBC Data Sources (64 bit) - Allows you to manage 64 bit data sources
  • Performance Monitor - Enables you to view current and past performance data for your machine
  • Print Management - Provides current information about the status of printers and print servers on the network
  • Resource Monitor - Allows you to observe the status of your system resources, you can view your CPU, Disk, Network, and Memory usage
  • Services - Enables you to observe, manage and configure Windows background services
  • System Configuration - A tool that is primarily used for troubleshooting, you can use it to configure Windows’ start-up, boot, services, and command settings
  • System Information - A console that provides you with all your system’s information
  • Task Scheduler - An MMC snap-in that allows you to view and set automatic system tasks
  • Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - Allows you to fine-tune your Firewall settings
  • Windows Memory Diagnostics - Primarily used to detect any defects in your systems memory