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Lab 05: ADDS

Step 1:

In "AD Users and Computers" (from Server Manager), right click on domain and "new" -> "OU", make one called SYS255

Step 2:

In the OU made above, add Accounts, Groups, Computers

Step 3:

In the new SYS255\Accounts OU, make users Alice, Bob, Charlie

Note: typically, enabling the tickbox for "change password on next login" is important, but we can skip it here.

Step 4:

Move the wks01 box from the default Computers OU to the SYS255\Computers OU that you just made (this is literally just a drag-n-drop)

Step 5:

Create a group custom-desktop under SYS255\Groups, and ensure the defaults are still global group and the group type is security

Step 6:

Add the new Bob and Alice accounts to the group via right-click, properties. (Don't add Charlie!)

Step 7:

Launch Group Policy from Server Manager, click drop-downs to find your SYS255 OU.

Make a new GPO by right-clicking on the SYS255 entry, and name it sys255-desktop

Step 8:

In the new object's window, under security filtering, add the custom-desktop group from the SYS255\Groups OU that was made earlier.

Remove the authenticated users item from the filter.

Step 9:

Add YOURDOMAIN\Domain Computers to the filter as before.

Step 10:

Go to delegation tab, advanced settings.

Select the Domain Computers object, untick it's Apply Group Policy allow, and set deny.

Step 11:

Right click on sys255-desktop, and hit edit. This spawns a new window.

In the Policy Editor, drop down User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Desktop to find the Remove Recycle Bin icon from desktop item.

Deliverable 1:

A screenshot of logged-in desktop as alice@yourname.local on wks01 with NO recycle bin icon.

Step 12:

As in step 7, make a new GPO called DisableLastLogin, and add YOURDOMAIN\Domain Computers to the filter

Step 13:

Right-click and edit DisableLastLogin, so you can drop-down Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options, and then scroll to Interactive logon: Don't display last signed-in, and enable it.

Step 14:

Sign in to wks01 as your domain admin account, and then:

gpupdate /force
gpresult /scope computer /r

Deliverable 2

Screenshot of the second command above.

Deliverable 3

Screenshot of the login screen where there are no longer any usernames visible


I goofed u pwhile adding an OU, enabling detailed view was required to follow these steps and fix the typo:,deletion%2C'%20then%20click%20OK.