Week 2 (Class on 1/29/24)
Active Recon
Network scanning, ping, etc
NMAP Suggestions
Recommendation for multiple targets:
- Do host discovery and port scanning first
- Then perform -sV against specific ports (using
-p <port_list>
2.1 Host Discovery Script (Item 2)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for d in $(seq 2 50); do
ping -c 1 -W 5 $ip
if [[ "$?" == "0" ]]; then
echo "Host $ip is up"
echo "$ip" >> sweep.txt
Thankfully, the ping command only exits with 0 if it gets back the response it wants, so $?
was a godsend for this one.
2.1 fping Host Discover One-Liner (Item 3)
sudo fping -a -g | grep --invert-match "ICMP" >> sweep2.txt
This was a bit silly, but it kept me from needing to use regex yet.
2.1 nmap Host Discovery One-Liner (Item 6)
sudo nmap -sn | egrep '[0-9]{2,3}\.' | awk '{n=split($0,a," "); print a[n]}' >> sweep3.txt
There is probably a better way to strip away the rest of the nmap output than this awful awk
syntax, but it does work.
The AWK script was adapted from this post