Week 3 (Class on 2/5/24)
Awful terrible one-liner for NMAP DNS Discovery
- Step 1:
sudo nmap -Pn -p 53 --open -oG dns-servers2.txt
- Step 2:
cat dns-servers2.txt | grep -v Nmap | egrep '[0-9]{2,3}\.' | awk '{split($0,a," "); print a[2]}' | uniq
(there's gotta be a better way! but this works!)
Script content
Some of the items for this week's class activity are in my scripts repo
The most horrendous of them is nmap enumeration
All the variants of DNS enumeration are in that folder.
Other one-line magic
After doing
dig axfr @nsztm1.digi.ninja zonetransfer.me >> zt.txt
# and
dig axfr @nsztm2.digi.ninja zonetransfer.me >> zt.txt
Then I wrote out
cat zt.txt | grep -v ";" | egrep "\sA\s" | awk '{print $1" - "$5}'
To grab the DNS names and host IPs. It's not too complicated, but it took me way too long to just use egrep
instead of trying to get a conditional to work in pure AWK (sorry to Brian Kernighan, I tried my best.)
DNS enumeration is important to find all of the potential targets in a given IP range and/or under a target domain name. Combining this with prior recon to find appropriate domain names should give a fairly complete picture of a target profile for a given company/org/govt